Sunday, July 03, 2005

July 4th Eve

My brother-in-law came to town, and brought his wife and daughter with him. It's nice to see them - it seems so long between visits sometimes. It won't be too long and they'll be headed back to Georgia.

On their first day up, we went to the fireworks store on Watt Road. We got about $310 worth of pyrotechnics. Or so we thought. As it turns out, they had one of their items marked wrong and charged us for it four times. We didn't figure it out until we went over the receipt well on the second day - that being today.
So we went to the fireworks place and asked for the manager, before we even made it in the door. After we found him, he was super nice, understood the problem and took care of the situation immediately. Where we were overcharged by $80 before, we were compensated and then some. We came out of it with about $110 worth in place of the $80 overcharge. He knows how to take care of customers.

Tomorrow night, we'll be firing off quite an abundance of explosives at about 9:00pm. Here's the trick...We don't really have a place to shoot that many fireworks nearby - we could do it here, but I try to be a nice neighbor (I hate it when my neighbors don't take their neighbors into consideration). So we'll be going to a local industrial park - down one of the roads that goes to nowhere. We've gone there before, so there's little to worry about. Local police typically give a warning and send you on your way. If that happens, we'll come home and piss off the neighbors.

Also, in today's news... I didn't make it to have beer and sushi with my blog-daddy today. Sorry Johnny-Oh! I'll see you next Sunday.