Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Outsourcing #@$%

Watching the tube and... The Christian Children's Fund is asking for money to help those poor starving children. Why is it those children are in foreign lands and the CCF is not doing much to help the kids here? (I had this question in my Ethics class a while back.) No matter what anyone says, I'm locked on this one - charity begins at home. So am I wrong on this? I mean, enough of our jobs are being outsourced to other countries, why should we also be sending them more money in the form of charity?
Sure they get bad storms, hurricanes, and ?!#@... Wait a minute. We get a fair amount of bad shit here too. And yeah, America is a wealthy nation. Yeah - a large number of us are fat too. That doesn't mean we don't have people with needs. If you feel the need to donate to someone, donate to the needy in your own country. Take it farther than that, make it the people in your own state, county, city, neighborhood, or whatever.
My wife was talking with one of the mothers of a child that goes to my younger daughter's school. This lady got back from a vacation to India a few months before the end of the school year. While she was there, she became friends with a woman that was looking for work. She wished the woman luck, and headed back home to Tennessee. The woman my wife was talking to worked for TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). Shortly after her return, she was notified that she was no longer needed. Yet, she found out what happened.She kept in touch with her new friend in India over the months. Soon after the woman in TN lost her job, her Indian friend began working on the very same project that the woman in TN was working on previously. TVA - and the state of Tennessee in general - is bad about outsourcing jobs.
(Breathe, breathe, breathe) - (OK)
I had this issue with my Linksys router over the past couple of days. I called tech support - in the Philipines - before calling Johnny - oh. What the Philipino guy couldn't tell me in an hour long conversation, Johnny - oh told me in less than five minutes. I think one of the key factors in the Linksys situation is the fact that we (tech support and I) did not understand each other very well.
So since we send our jobs to them, they should donate that money to their own countries and we should do the same in our country. Granted: we should always help and support our allies.
CCF, you owe your country an apology.
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