Fire At Will!
A friend of mine called me up the other day and informed me of the foul intensions of some preacher that owns a website called:
www.g- o- d- h- a- t- e- s- f- a- g- (without the hyphens and spaces)(I'm not linking to this site, because it would only give his site added help).
This worthless piece of fecal matter has the audacity to (attempt to) denegrate our troops. As if it is not bad enough that he is disrespecting his own country's military, he's throwing nasty names and slanderous remarks about America's fallen soldiers... at their funerals. This prick is making a tour across Tennessee, to as many of the military funerals as he can.
Now, I'm all for a person's right to free speach and the right to peacefully assemble, but come on. I believe the spouses, parents, children, and friends of everyone have the right to bury their dead in peace. They should also have the right to shoot assholes like this guy on sight.
I have opined. More facts can be found (HERE). This link is not the Knoxville News Sentinel - you need a membership to view that, but this person's site has a copy of the article.
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