Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Free Parking...

...too bad gas isn't.

The prick mentioned in my previous post is still parked in the same place. Apparently, noone knows who or why this is. It's a nice Durango. Needs a new set of tires. Clean. Hmm... Maybe I'll put a Post-It note on there, and if there's no reply I'll just take it.

Maybe not. Too much of a gas hog. Maybe they left it there because they couldn't afford gas and they ran out. Serves them right. SUVs are tools of the devil.

Even my in-laws are getting rid of one of their SUVs. 3/4 of a tank is costing them about $75 right now (OUCH!) - that's near Atlanta.

For those of you that are up north or out west: I feel for you.