Saturday, September 10, 2005

Fed up right now

It's been a bit since I last posted, but I've been doing a bit of thinking. Dangerous, I know, but sometimes it must be done.

This Katrina thing has pissed me off in several ways. People talking about Katrina have pissed me off in several ways. I listen to talk radio a fair amount, and it is often the only place I find sane voices of reason. However, the callers are often ignorant assholes with very strong opinions.

Maybe their just Democrats.

I have an assignment due Tuesday morning. The assignment is to prepare a presentation for Michael Brown (FEMA) that tells what should be done now and in the near future. It goes a bit beyond that and it's alittle detailed, but it is supposed to only be about a page long. I have about three pages. Guess I need to pick a few things and keep it simple.

Just kidding about the Democrat thing. I'm not politically affiliated and I don't subscribe to anyone's method of thinking other than my own. Maybe my thoughts are not always what's right, but they are mine.

Dad told me very few things that weren't lies. Among them was, "Politicians are all liars. Just vote for the one that you think is doing the best job at it."