Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday Drive

I received an e-mail from Funk-E, and it reminded me of a great many things - one of which is the "Sunday Drive."

It wasn't so long ago, on my off days, I would take my family out for a drive through the beautiful mountains of East Tennessee. We would go for a ride, and stop to do what ever we felt like doing - whatever seemed interesting. Sometimes we would even travel out of state - just for the Hell of it. There was this one time, we were gonna drive from Knoxville to Chicago, for a three-day weekend - the kids have never been, and there are places we'd like to show them. Well, we didn't make the trip - complications - but it was a nice thought that we were willing to do on a whim.

When I was a kid, my parents and I would take a drive to where-ever, most every weekend. It didn't matter if it was just to enjoy the ride, or if it were for a purpose.

Those drives got us out of the world we lived in every day. They took us to places we knew/didn't know. A drive was like a minor adventure that let us know there was a "rest of the world." Television can't replace the reality you feel from the mist from a waterfall. Nor can a newspaper article capture the freedom of driving with the windows down and childrens' smiling faces being wind-blown to momentary distortion. Bored games... Need I say more?

I'd like to say "Thank You" to those responsible for the inflated prices of gasoline. Thank you for making me "save-up" to take my family for a drive through what is left of the natural beauty of our country. Thank you for causing my gas bill to increase to an amount that now takes a day off of my family's vacation. Thanks.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. As long as that pursuit doesn't have to be done in a gasoline-using vehicle, I'd say these things are still as true today as when they were first written.